Wed, Feb

Nouja, elke jaar dié tyd is ons vir ons "raak die 'klits' kwyt" rubriek naarstiglik op soek na 'n ietsie warms om die lang, koue aande voor die tv (en/of) die kaggelvuur soveel meer aangenaam te maak voordat ons slaaptyd met 'n bietjie meer warmte in en om die lyf gaan inkruip. Hoewel ons hierdie winter (behalwe nog net so vinnige een keer) nie veel rede gehad het om te kla oor die koue nie, lê Juliemaand grynsend vir ons en wag en as jy iemand is wat hou van 'n lekker sop, Milo, iets soortgelyk spesiaal vir die wintersaande, is hierdie heerlike warm-sjokoladedrankie en 'n eetdingetjie vir die kleingoed (of die soettande) net die antwoord. 

Dit gaan jou skaars 'n kwartier neem om 'n paar lekker groot bekers van net omtrent almal se gunstelingdrankie voor te berei. Hierdie is 'n spesialiteit wat Rustenburg Herald se jongste Bruid van die Jaar - Charlotte Brits - en manlief Johann. Dit werk so: 


Oktobermaand het maar pas begin en ja, dit is reeds 'n uitgemaakte saak dat ons vanjaar weer 'n warm somer gaan hê. As die temperature in Rustenburg nou al in die 35 °C-omgewing boer, moet ons maar weet, Desember gaan ons sweet... En teen die prys van "kruideniers" deesdae is 'n lafenissie teen die middaghitte gewis nie goedkoop nie. Vir liefhebbers van vars vrugtesap, het ons 'n blink idee. 
Jy onthou nog daardie heerlike suurlemoenstroop wat in die ou dae so gewild was en wat jou ouma omtrent twee dae geneem het om te maak? Wel, 'n baie soortgelyke resep en metode doen nou weer die ronde en om eerlik te wees, is daar feitlik geen verskil nie. Hier maak jy ook 'n stroop, verkoel in die yskas, en verdun dit met 'n bietjie water om 'n heerlike glas yskoue suurlemoensap te maak.


Yes, it’s been a bit of a relief during the past three to five weeks. No, you’re not mistaken – there is definitely a slight chill in the air during late afternoons and early mornings since the onset of April and it will only be a matter of 30 days before we are probably going to regret the arrival of the winter of 2023. This year is expected to be a real bumper because of so much rain that has fallen since well before the official start of the rainy season last year. But yes, for many people winter also has its joys and laughs though the most of us will take leave of the braai area for at least the following three months. To make up for this sacrifice, there are things such as “Glühwein” (a German tradition) that will make your evenings something to look forward to.
How much do you know about Glühwein? Well for those of you who don’t, Glühwein is a German tradition, especially along Germany’s and Europe’s ski resorts. Glühwein has been used for ages to warm people from the inside as they come home or inside from the latest ski outing. Of course, Glühwein will also make you sleep like a baby. Lunelle Kloppers of the Professional Cooking Academy shows us just how to make the best Glühwein you could think of – but be warned – this is not really for children – it has the kick of a mule!


Vandeeweek ietsie vir die mense wat reeds “alles” het en wie se kaste vol heerlike verrassings en bederfies vir die komende luilekker-kersreses volgepak staan. Vandeesweek stel ons seker die meeste van ons lesers bekend aan “Rumtopf” – ter verduideliking het ons Wikipedia geraadpleeg vir ‘n verduideliking:
“Rumtopf (Danish: Romkrukke), which literally means rum pot, is a German and Danish dessert, traditionally eaten around Christmas.[1] Once a popular traditional dessert, Rumtopf had fallen out of fashion by 2004.[2] Rumtopf is one of the dishes popularised by the German television cook Clemens Wilmenrod.


It is that time of the year... Summer is here, December holiday is around the corner and the stores are filled with Christmas trees and lights. Between the rush of finishing all your work before year end and getting your Christmas shopping & planning done, who has the time to think about what drinks you’re going to serve at your girls’ night or your early Christmas party? Well, look no further! The Rustenburg Herald “kookspan” paid a visit to Wilderer Fynbos Gin brewery all the way in Cape town. Wilderer Fynbos Gin is a unique South African Gin, carefully crafted from a special selection of fynbos botanicals, roots & spices, including wild sage, honey bush, Vichy and devils claw. Fynbos Gin is produced in harmony with nature. The finest wine spirits, fynbos botanicals and the clearest spring water from the Franschhoek mountains.
A sweetly simple mix of gin, your choice of tonic water and a variety of fruits depending on the flavours, this is most definitely a drink to keep in mind for the holiday season ahead! It does not just look gorgeous to look at. It tastes great and is an easy-drinking party starter. You can get yourself a bottle of Wilderer Fynbos Gin in liquor stores or you can buy it online at https://wilderer.co.za/product/fynbos-gin/
Whether you’ve got your dream holiday or a last-minute city break planned for this holiday, make sure you’ve got the recipes for these delicious Gin drinks nearby! There are three different flavours to soothe all your taste buds so, let your summer beGIN.


*Ys, fyngekap
*Vars aarbeie, in stukke gesny
*Vars pepermentblare
*Pienk Bernini Blush-drankie

Kap ys fyn en vul glas van jou keuse op daarmee.
Gooi een tot-glasie vodka bo-oor die ys.
Sny aarbeie in repe of stukke en plaas dan bo-op.
Gooi Bernini-drankie of `n ander drankie van jou keuse by die ys totdat die glas vol is.
Breek pepermentblare en sit ook bo-op.