Fri, Mar

Estie Venter hou van boerekos. Sy werk by Klerksdorp Rekord en is ‘n grafiese ontwerper. Sy beskryf hierdie tamatiebredie as heerlik en vullend en boonop maklik om te maak.

Liplekker tamatiebredie

• 2 uie, gekap
• 3kg beeskook of skaapskenkel


South African mothers of all ages are looking forward to Sunday, 9 May, when Mothers’ Day will be celebrated this year. In anticipation of this and to gain a little experience on how to show appreciation towards the mother who has raised you and still does just about everything around the house, why not try this easy but tasty dish to spoil mom on Mothers’ Day as Kealeboga Matsafu is planning on doing? Kea (18 yrs) from Mabeskraal is a model, training nail technician and an upcoming kiddies’ events planner. Kea is the founder and a director of a registered NPC - Rare Seeds Foundation, which aims to plough back to the community through education and social impact. Her beauty and warmth shines from within and of her many talents and traits she enjoys making tasty meals in the kitchen during her spare time. Kea followed this recipe:


A decade or so ago the internationally renowned musician Sting has had a huge hit with the song “An Englisman in New York”. Sitting around the braai fire with ex Rustenburger Johann Cronje, his new wife and his parents and friends, one couldn’t help to think about Johann as a “Boere-German” in Munich. But unlike Sting who has struggled to find his feet in New York, Johann and his pretty little wife Carina have adopted well and not only made Munich their “new” home, but managed to open and run a successful and hugely popular restaurant with typically, a South African flavour in Munich. “Savanna” is now just over three years old and during this time Johann and Carina have teached the Germans a thing or two about South Africa and our food. This week however, we are not going to show you what Johann has done in Germany, we are showing you what the Germans have teached him in Germany!


Agri-Pulse - Stellalander-Vryburg - Na die heerlike reën wat gedurende April regoor die Noordwes provinsie geval het, wil dit blyk of die winter nou finaal hier is.

Die wintersmaande is bekend vir sop, bredies en vele ander heerlike disse wat bietjie hitte bied.
Dié maand kook Agri-Pulse saam met Wilco du Toit (regs) en Wynand van Vreden.
Albei mans wys ons hoe om `n heerlike bees -en -skaappotjie te maak, met `n oondebakte soetbrood as bykos.
Om saam met dié twee inwoners van Vryburg te kook volg die skakel