Fri, Mar

AGRIPULSE-VRYBURG: Citrus is divided into four main groups – oranges, grapefruit, lemons and soft citrus (eg. mandarins). All citrus contains vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin with immune-enhancing effects. The harvesting season is usually from May to October. Citrus fruit has a tough and leathery rind with a juicy interior. Citrus fruit can be eaten fresh, pressed for juice, or preserved in marmalades and pickles.

Read more …The Better one – Orange and Olive oil cake

Crèm Brûlée

AGRIPULSE – Dit is somer, lekker warm. As jy ‘n soettand is, is ‘n ligte koel Crèm Brûlée net die regte nagereg vir ‘n somersdag. Lizbé Jonas, bestuurder van Beantree Coffee Shop op Upington, sê die nagereg is baie gewild in hul restaurant en is oral in die wêreld bekend en gewild.
Vir hierdie nagereg het jy nie baie bestanddele nodig nie.

Read more …Ligte koel soetigheid vir die somer